The North Bay British Car Club
New NoBBC Website Content emails
We've modified the NoBBC website to send emails whenever a new notice, photo, or item for sale is posted by a member. The emails will be sent only to members who elected to receive ALL NoBBC emails when they signed up, as opposed to only drive notifications. (You can change this option any time by editing your user profile from the Members tab above). The emails will not be sent immediately the item is posted, but during the regular daily email job at 8:00 a.m. The emails will be sent only if something has been posted in the previous 24 hours, and only one email will be sent regardless how many items were posted. All of the posts will be listed in the email, but not the poster or content, only the nature of the post (i.e. notice, photo, or item for sale). Emails will contain the usual membership cancellation link along with the following message: Please note: You are receiving this email because you are currently signed up to receive emails for ALL new content posted by members on the NoBBC website. If you prefer to receive ONLY emails regarding upcoming drives, click here.
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