The North Bay British Car Club
Welcome to the North Bay British Car Club
Open to all owners of British cars in Northern California and beyond, the NoBBC is a no frills operation with no president, no board of directors, no bylaws, and no dues, just enthusiastic volunteers who share a love and knowledge of British Cars. The club is located in the Santa Rosa/Sonoma County area but has members from all over the state. NoBBC members gather every second and fourth Saturday (every second Saturday during winter months) to DRIVE!!
Next NoBBC Club Drive:
Saturday, March 8, 2025 ROHNERT PARK WEATHER
Many drives are simply a matter of showing up with your British car and a full tank of gas. Our meeting place is generally in Sonoma County, but is announced before every ride. If you'd like to join us, click the 'Members' tab above. If you want to know more about the NoBBC, click the 'About' tab. If you have questions that aren't answered here, feel free to email the website administrator at

Because we have no club officials and no person in charge, the club is run mostly by this website, which automatically schedules club drives and sends out notices to everyone who's signed up. Although anyone can sign up for NOBBC, and post photos and messages here, the best way to interact with members is to join us on one of our drives.

Please note that membership here, along with posting of photos and notices, is moderated. Spammers, trolls, inappropriate and far off topic posts will be dealt with swiftly and firmly.